Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Representations In The Media


Binary Opposition -  Binary opposition is the system by which, in language and thought, two theoretical opposites are strictly defined and set off against one another. e.g. villain and hero or male and female.

Watershed -  the time after which programmes that are regarded as unsuitable for children are broadcast on television. e.g."the 9 p.m. watershed"


  1. Brilliant work!
    The examples you used at the end of your Prezi are fantastic, you have clearly discussed the representations!
    Remember to learn the key words as they will be part of your test next week.

    Miss C.

    1. yes thank you and i have just embedded my prezi properly


PSB revision

- PSB television or radio broadcasting that has to meet requirements set by ofcom, the regulator for TV and radio - their aim is to...  -...