Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Television industries on the 2010s

How does 'Cuffs' fit the PSB regulation?
Cuffs fits the PSB regulation as it doesn't have any adverts and therefore earns their money off of people viewing the programme and peoples tv licenses. Cuffs is a crime drama. It gives you an insight on what life is like for a British police officer. This fits the PSB regulations as it can help people learn about police officers and what their jobs are like and can also entertain people that enjoy about crime dramas.


  1. Good girl, this has summarised the 2010s TV industry well.
    Please make sure you answer the question : How does 'Cuffs' fir the PSB regulation?


PSB revision

- PSB television or radio broadcasting that has to meet requirements set by ofcom, the regulator for TV and radio - their aim is to...  -...